Monday, March 28, 2011

My future's so bright...

Hey Bloggie,
   I have to tell you, I was SO excited for our families recent road trip to New Orleans that I started getting ready for it early. It was going to be eight hours in the car with three kids and a husband, so I wanted to have fun with it.
   While on a trip to the Dollar Store for a school project I found some FABULOUS Mardi Gras glasses, and I do mean FABULOUS! Exactly what I needed to get the kids excited. There were several different pairs of various shapes. One pair that looked like a butterfly, one that had fancy swirls on them, and one pair that had cool spikes coming off of each eye. All three were completely covered in glitter in the Mardi Gras colors: gold for power, green for faith, and purple for justice.
   My favorite were the ones with the spikes, I had to have a pair of those for myself, then I bought one of each for the kids. This meant we had two pair of the spike glasses, which was great since they were the best. I didn't try them on, or even take them off the backing, I wanted to save them for the trip. I sat them in my closet where I could see them every time I passed.
   They were SO awesome. Every time I looked at them I thought of the upcoming trip. The kids wanted them but I made them wait. "No," I said "We will open them when we leave and wear them all the way in the car. Maybe we can even make a sign that says "New Orleans or Bust" for the window, and stare at people as we pass them in our glasses." They liked that idea.
   The day came to leave and the kids, and yes me too, were SO excited to get out our glasses. I unpackaged them and everyone chose a pair. My nine year old son, Causen, chose the second pair that looked like mine, while my eleven-year-old daughter, Savannah, chose the butterfly ones, and my six-year-old son, Kylenn, chose the swirls. Savannah put hers right on...

She chose well! They looked SUPER cute on her!

   Then it was my turn, I couldn't wait, my spikey glasses were going to be so great!

Uuuuummmm, wwweeeellllllll, not so much Bloggie. They didn't fit and looked TOTALLY ridiculous! REALLY, come on! Nothing EVER fits my face right! I had to hollar at myself in the picture for having such a big round face! Ugh!! Well....maybe they will look better on Causen, since he was the lucky one to choose the matching pair of super NOT cool spikey Mardi Gras glasses. Let's see...

Hmmmmmm..........maybe it wasn't my face!
   So much for our future in those shades...
Your friend in Texas,

                 Amanda with an A

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amanda with an A,
    Love the glasses and the post!!!
